“When I open Word to start writing, I don’t see EndNote as an option!” Were you connected to the Yale Guest network at any point today? Exit out of EndNote, make sure you’re connected to Yale Secure, open EndNote, try again. Go to EndNote in the upper left-hand corner -> Preferences -> Find Full Text -> then type in the OpenURL Path box.Ģ. Connect Find Full Text to library resources. “When I use Find Full Text, it isn’t finding anything, says ‘Searching…’ forever, or freezes my computer!”ġ. If the library is minimized or if you’d exited out of EndNote, these problems may occur more often. I’ve had luck bringing my EndNote library back up on the screen and then opening my downloaded file. Even weirder, sometimes it says ‘This library is in use by somebody else’!” “When I try to open a downloaded file of citations, I get a weird pop-up telling me to choose a library. ris, so you may have to do this multiple times depending on where you like downloading files from.

Now, whenever you download a file with that extension, your computer will know what to do. Scroll down to “Open with”, select EndNote, and then click “Change All…”. Permanent solution: Open your Downloads folder and right click on the downloaded file. Temporary solution: Click “Choose Application” -> EndNote x8 -> EndNote x8 “When I download citations, the computer says it doesn’t have an application to open that type of file!” Open up System Preferences, then Security & Privacy, navigate to the General tab, and click “Open Anyway”. “When I try to download the software, my computer says it can’t download it because it’s from an ‘unknown developer’!” If you are still struggling to get EndNote working well after you work through this page, feel free to sign up for an EndNote class, check out our EndNote tutorials, visit the walk-in IT help desk on the lower level of the medical library, or contact EndNote support.

We've collected some common issues Apple users experience and figured out how to solve them. EndNote X8 on Mac computers can be finicky.