Adobe announced the “end of life” for Flash over two years ago, to give enough time for websites to change over to its replacement (HTML 5). The end of Flash has actually been on the horizon for a while. Only the original Farmville is being discontinued – newer versions will still be available, since they don’t use the Flash technology. An example of this is the original Facebook game of Farmville – remember when all your friends were always talking about playing that game? It’s actually still played by a lot of people, but that will end at the end of this year when Zynga (the company that owns Farmville) ends it.

Websites used it to display some of their content, such as animated images or games. What is Flash? Flash is a programming language that used to be very common.

I’ve had several clients ask me recently about this message they’ve gotten on their computer:

You might see a notice pop up on your computer that Adobe Flash Player is being discontinued, and asking if you want to uninstall it from your computer.